Call Tony on

07957 808857

to book your lesson

Driving Lessons

Whether new to driving or returning to lessons, I will tailor  the course around your specific needs and skills Each lesson will typically last around 90 minutes  door to door, however, shorter or longer lessons can  be arranged to suit your requirements Lessons can be taken at days and times to fit with your preferred schedule For more details of the various options available please select from the tabs on the right Before you start your driving lessons you need to ensure you have a Provisional Licence.  Please visit GOV.UK for details on how to apply as well as information on how to book your Driving Tests and other useful information about learning to drive If you would like to make a start on learning to drive, check these DSA publications that will help you pass your theory and practical driving tests.  I can purchase these for you at a discount of up to 20% off recommended TSO retail price

Beginners/Partly Trained

Tailored course around your needs and skills to include: Help with your Theory test & Hazard Perception Basic Skills —Moving off and Stopping,Approaching & Emerging at Junctions Intermediate Skills —Roundabouts, Crossroads,Dual carriageways, Emergency stop Advanced Skills —Complex Junctions,High Speed Emergency stop Manoeuvres —Turn in the road, Reverse round a corner,Reverse parking - bay & parallel

Intensive Course

You can't take your practical driving test if you've not passed your theory test. That's why there's no point starting an intensive driving course if you haven't yet passed your theory test. Get your theory test out of the way first before you book an intensive course A faster route to test standard – if you already have some experience - 20 hours spread over 10 days (2 hours a day) at varying times of day to help speed things up! The different times of day are recommended to allow you to experience different levels of traffic and driving conditions To ensure the course is right for you, I will have to assess your skills beforehand

Pass Plus

If you've just passed your test, you'll have discovered that insurance rates for newly qualified drivers are sky-high. That's the bad news. The good news is that you can do something about it. The government's Pass Plus scheme is a great way of increasing the confidence and the competence of new drivers. It will benefit you by: l enabling you to gain quality driving experience safely l helping you become a more skilful driver l teaching you how to develop a Positive Driving style which is both enjoyable & safe l reducing your risk of being involved in a road crash l and saving you money on your car insurance premiums. Pass Plus isn't a test. I will assess you as your skills develop. You'll need at least six one-hour sessions covering a range of essential driving skills: town and out-of-town driving, all-weather and night-time driving, as well as driving on motorways and dual carriageways

Motorway Driving

When you've just passed your test, the thought of driving on the motorway can be quite daunting. But did you know that motorways are the safest roads in the country? However, mistakes on the motorway can have serious consequences and so it is advisable to have a lesson to learn the rules of safe motorway driving first. The lessons will cover the following: l Enter and exit motorways using sliproads l Motorway junctions l Safe distance gaps, Overtaking and maintaining a constant speed l Motorway Warning l Motorway road works l Motorway contra-flow systems l Motorway emergency procedures Below are some tips for driving safely on the motorway: t Plan well ahead. t Make sure you know which junctions you need. t Obey ALL speed limits t Leave a gap between you and the vehicle in front of at least 2 seconds (Only a fool breaks the 2 second rule) 4 secs if raining t Keep to the left lane, the other lanes are for overtaking t Tiredness can kill - Plan your journey, and take a break of at least 15 minutes every couple of hours to keep yourself fit for the journey

Refresher Course

Banish nerves, eliminate bad habits, rekindle your love to drive No two drivers are the same. Some are brimming with confidence, others tense up the moment they switch on the ignition. It doesn't matter where you fit on that scale, you could benefit from a refresher course in driving skills Lessons are especially suited to someone who passed their driving test a while ago and needs to be updated for modern driving roads and conditions For example : l New to the area - local road knowledge e.g. the "roundabouts" of Milton Keynes l Motorway driving confidence l Re-building confidence after an accident l Returning to driving after a long absence l Learn to drive safely in snow/icy conditions (weather dependent!) l Learn to drive cleaner and greener - it's unlikely that you are still driving the car you passed your test in. Chances are somewhere along the way, you will have picked up a few bad habits. I can eliminate those bad habits and show you how to get the best out of your car. A refresher course can help you reduce wear and tear as well as fuel consumption. It can make you a more efficient driver


Each parent has the opportunity to understand the ‘learning to drive’ process by sharing a lesson with their child if they so wish. This provides peace of mind and offers tips for when you take them out on the road yourself. l Sit in the back and see how your child is progressing l Regular up-dates on progress l It will give you the confidence to take them out. l Understand what it takes to pass the modern driving test.

Areas Covered

Areas covered 25 miles around Whittlebury, and surrounding towns and villages in Northamptonshire & Buckinghamshire, such as Towcester, Silverstone, Brackley Buckingham, Milton Keynes, Northampton, Paulerpury, Potterspury, Greens Norton, Blakesley, Abthorp, Wappenham

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